Middle East Ceasefire Resolution

31 August, 2024

We, the members of the Southern Tier Interfaith Coalition, are saddened and alarmed by the ongoing sectarian violence in Gaza, Israel, and the West Bank, especially the terrorist attack on Israel on 7 October 2023 and the subsequent Israeli invasion of Gaza.

We recognize the tragic loss of life, the risk that the conflict will widen, and the trauma the conflict has caused to diaspora communities.

Sufi M Marwan Zamat speaks to group at IAFL Abrahamic Walk. Oct 8, 2023

Therefore we, the members of the Southern Tier Interfaith Coalition, call on all parties in the conflict to cease hostilities, to release all wrongfully detained individuals, and to provide humanitarian aid to those displaced by the conflict.

We call on the international community to pursue a just peace in the region, recognizing the basic human rights and right to self-determination for all peoples, and to cease or suspend the sale or supply of weapons to all combatants.*

We call on the international community to investigate crimes against humanity, including war crimes, genocide, and ethnic cleansing, committed by
nation-states, their irregular military and civilian proxies, and individuals.

We offer our prayers and meditations, each according to our own custom, for peace, healing, and justice, this day and always.

Disclaimer: This space will feature a diversity of voices and viewpoints held by the individuals speaking as an individual member of STIC, and not for the coalition as a whole.

Interfaith Voices is a forum for individuals to speak out as members of the Southern Tier Interfaith Coalition (STIC). The purpose of this Organization shall be to promote education, understanding and cooperation between different faith groups, without preference or favor to any one denomination or faith; to proactively foster an atmosphere of tolerance, freedom, social justice and peace within our greater community; and to demonstrate where and whenever possible the principle that every human being is imbued with equal Divine worth.


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