
Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Blockchain: The Promise and the Peril


Presented by League of Women Voters (LWV) of Tompkins County and LWV of Cortland County. Join us online Thursday, January 13, 2022 at 7pm Speaker Irene Weiser, Coordinator of Fossil Free Tompkins Come learn the basics of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies, how the energy appetite of some forms threaten to derail achievement of NYS climate goals, and possible directions forward. Co-Sponsored … Read more

Where Energy and Social Justice Meet

Lisa Marshall of HeatSmart Tompkins and HeatSmart Finger Lakes South met with us on Zoom. She presented on HeatSmart, a NYSERDA sponsored outreach program for efficient energy use at our monthly meeting of March 25, 2021. Lisa has worked on Mothers Out Front and other activist groups. She is the Program Director for HeatSmart in … Read more


CMoG Interfaith Day

STOP BUYING STUFF with Diane Cohen, An SCNCC Webinar
